Season of Light at Coshocton Planetarium
The Coshocton Planetarium will show the Season of Light program during the Christmas season.
This presentation traces the history and development of many of the world’s most enduring holiday customs, all of which involve lighting up the winter sky, from the burning of the Yule log, sparkling Christmas tree lights and candles in the windows to the lighting of luminaries in the American Southwest and the traditional ritual of the Hanukkah Menorah.
The shows will be held at the Coshocton Planetarium at Coshocton High School on Dec. 3, 5, 9, 10, 16, & 17.
All shows will be at 7 p.m.
The shows are free, but reservations must be made.
Make reservations by going online to The planetarium is located on the fourth floor of Coshocton High School. There is limited parking on this level.
Will you have any shows after Christmas would like to bring grandkids but not getting here from out of town until after Christmas if so could you let me know. Thanks Linda Fletcher
Hi Linda! Unfortunately, these are the only Christmas shows scheduled at this time. Follow along with the Coshocton Planetarium website for future dates.