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A Closer Look
Supply Company
Everything Local
Coshocton Supply Co. in Historic One of Annin’s three
Roscoe Village is the perfect first stop factories is located in
when arriving in Coshocton to get area Coshocton, where over three
information and to find locally-made items million full-sized flags are
to take home. It’s also the home of the made annually! Coshocton
Coshocton Visitors Bureau. Be sure to tell Supply Co. is proud to be a
the staff where you are from, as it is an local retailer, offering a wide selection
annual goal to greet guests from all 50 of US and military flags along with repurposed items. Mill Creek Homestead
states. buntings, pleated fans, and flagpole sets. creates small-batch wood-wick soy
Coshocton is home to many Coshocton also has a strong candles, and organic body care items that
manufacturers, including Annin agricultural economy. Coshocton include shea butter, lip balm, sugar scrubs,
Flagmakers, America’s oldest and largest Supply Co. features the work of area and soap. MVs Primitives produces
maker of flags. The company originated farmers, who produce raw honey, organic salvaged wood and metal signs made to
in New York City in 1847 and continues to jams, and pure maple syrup. The work of withstand the elements. Fresh Buckeyes
make flags in America. several local timber artists is also are available seasonally and sell out
featured. Brian Frame uses a lathe to quickly. The shop also carries a wide
create wooden hand-turned pens, seam selection of t-shirts, postcards, stickers,
rippers and wine bottle stoppers. Pine and pins.
Gap Woodworking specializes in intarsia Coshocton Supply Co. is open 10 AM
wood ornaments. Sylvan Craft to 5 PM daily and is located at 432 N.
harvests locally-grown and Whitewoman Street in Historic
sustainably-sourced woods Roscoe Village.
that include cherry, maple,
oak and hickory to
create knife-resistant cutting
boards and live-edge
charcuterie serving boards.
Other area craftsmen
make pottery mugs and
magnets, receiving blankets 432 N. Whitewoman Street, Coshocton
and taggies for babies, and 740-622-4877 |
one-of-a-kind jewelry made from
13 Coshocton County Visitors Guide