Page 5 - 2025CoshoctonVisitorsGuideFINALNNOTFORPRINT
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What’s Inside -

       Plan Your Trip ...................................................................6 - 7
       Shop Coshocton  ........................................................... 8 - 13
       Stem or Stein  .............................................................. 14 - 17
       Food & Drink  ............................................................... 18 - 21
       Attractions and the Arts ............................................. 22 - 26
       Adventure Trails ................................................................. 27
       Get Outside  ................................................................. 28 - 31
       Festivals & Events  ...................................................... 32 - 37
       Visiting With a Pet  .......................................................38 - 39  x Clary Gardens
       Just a Short Drive  ....................................................... 40 - 41
       Staying in Coshocton ...................................................42 - 47

       Eagle Ridge Disc Golf Course

          The Eagle Ridge Disc Golf course is   offers extensive asphalt walking paths and   million rounds scored in 2023 alone. Ohio
       located on the former Hilltop Golf Course   trails for those wishing to walk, jog, hike or   currently ranks as the 7th best disc golf
       across from Lake Park. The course features   bike this scenic park. It boasts a view of   state in the US. Out of over 400 courses,
       18 challenging holes with significant   Coshocton that is second to none,   Eagle Ridge currently ranks 3rd best in
       elevation changes and three ponds that   especially at sunset. The Eagle Ridge Disc   Ohio. The state has even produced a few
       come into play. There are short tees for   Golf Course is a beautiful addition to  professional disc golfers, including 2x World
       casual players and long tees that will    Coshocton’s recreational attractions.  Champion Ricky Wysocki, who is currently
       challenge even the most advanced. The      Disc golf’s popularity has surged over   ranked #1 in the world in the men’s pro
       course is open from dawn to dusk to the   the last few years, with Udisc, the sport’s   division.
       public and is free to play. The course also   most popular scoring app, recording 21.9

       x Lainie Brillhart  | EAGLE RIDGE DISC GOLF COURSE                                                                                            5
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